Monday, June 23, 2008

Feel Free To Talk Behind My Back

"I would never say anything behind their/your back, that I wouldn't say to their/your face." -Random Person Trying To Sound Noble.

Is that really such a virtue? Sometimes things need to be said, venting needs to occur, and you don't need to say that to a person's face. Talking behind someone's back is a good thing, it's a courtesy. But like anything else, do it in moderation. And be careful to not start sucking as a person.

It's like my friend Mike says, "Sometimes I'll say all kinds of shit about people, shit that would be cruel if I said it to their face, and then I sort of work my way backwards from there. 'Well, it's not exactly like that, and I was sort of being a dick too.' But, sometimes I need to start off dropping bombs, and I better not do it on their face."


Friday, June 13, 2008

Good For Me

While I have heard of The Jonas Brothers, I've never heard one of their songs. Good job, me.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm Seeing Sounds

I got to see one of my favorite bands, N.E.R.D. (No one Ever Really Dies) in concert last week, and it was a sincere pleasure. Now their album is out,and it's awesome like always. The album is called, "Seeing Sounds." Buy it by using my spiffy N.E.R.D. - Seeing Sounds - Anti Matter link.

My early favorite off of the album is, "Anti Matter." The hook makes me want to dance in a rebellious manner. Listen to a ripped version of the song via YouTube.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Things That Are Happening

These are the filmmakers from Indie Comedy, "The Foot Fist Way". From left to right, Ben Best, Jody Hill and Danny McBride. They made this movie for $70,000 (which is paltry for movies, I've worked on tightly budgeted short films with budgets more than half that), and it is hilarious. Credit to Gary Sanchez Productions for believing in these guys, and putting this film out there for everyone to see. It's only in LA and NY right now, but it should be expanding soon. Do a Google News search for these guys to read more about how they did this, and what they're doing now.

Parties like this were ALL over LA this weekend. When I went to the movie theater this weekend it took me at least 30 minutes and a handful of illegal maneuvers to find parking. Groups of girls and highly stylized men were dressed to the nines, and there was no mistake that they were out to celebrate. I don't even want to know how many Cosmopolitans were sold this weekend. Bravo ladies, you wanted your big weekend, and when you got it, you took advantage of it. But I think the really story is not how many of these parties there were, and the huge business that the movie did, but how many fights were had. With all these parties, dresses, and cosmos you know there were some fights about who was invited, what was being worn, whose boyfriend could come, why is she here? I'm not riding with her! Etc. Etc.