Thursday, November 20, 2008

One More From Billy "The Sports Guy" Simmons

Reason No. 951: The post-title buying spree
I ran out of space in my dresser recently and pulled everything out for the depressing what's-staying-and-what's-going ritual, which seems to happen every four years (kind of like the Olympics). My dresser has five drawers and holds a ton of stuff; it's bigger than Nate Robinson. I probably hadn't opened the bottom drawer in two years, so as I was pulling stuff out, suddenly there they were—folded on top of one another, smelling a little mothbally—eight different T-shirts related to the 2004 Red Sox title.

Why did I buy eight when two would have sufficed? When you haven't won in a while, you briefly lose your mind. I took some time to figure out everything I bought after that 2004 title, and here's the final tally: eight T-shirts, one sweatshirt, one World Series jersey, three DVDs (including the 12-disc boxed set), a Topps cards set, one leather-bound SI, four framed pictures, two bobbleheads, three hats and two game-used World Series baseballs. (Missing: The Fever Pitch DVD, sent to me by a production company, that I tossed in the garbage.) Now that, my friends, is a textbook post-title buying spree.

If the Ducks won a National Championship I would put that list to shame. As it is I'm wearing Oregon sneakers and an Oregon watch, and I'm at work, and it's a bye week.

Not that we haven't had our chances:

As I look at those pictures I long for what was, and what was almost.

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