Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm Twitterpated

I like Twitter, and I didn't think I would. When I first heard of it, it sounded like the most retardedly annoying feminine activity of all time. "Tweeting?" Are you fucking joking?

One of the features of Facebook that I mock the most is the Status, and Twitter is essentially an entire social network dedicated to the Status. But then I realized why I don't like the status, it isn't because of the status, but because of who is updating it. Who? You ask. A bunch of people I don't know and/or don't like, who are disguised as my "friends."

Facebook came out of nowhere and spread like the plague. Anyone who you met or used to know became your Facebook friend. And this was fine, or at least it was whatever. But then Facebook went from being a heightened white pages for messaging to a News Feed about a bunch of people whose lives you aren't really that interested in.

Twitter is Web 2.0 for me. When Facebook came out I didn't know what was happening, I got lost in the shit storm that was social networking. Now, I know what I want out of a social network, and more importantly, who I want it with.

I don't need a profile about my friends to know that my friends like The Roots and Office Space. I just want to keep up on what they're doing in life.

So, Twitter is to "Follow and Tweet" with my friends (the lingo still sucks), and Facebook will continue to annoy the shit out of me, but be too addictive and occasionally useful to get rid of.

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